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Jack Sproson
Guernica 37

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Called: 2021
Qualified to accept Public Access Instructions

Jack Sproson is a Member of the Bar of England and Wales and a Member of G37 Chambers. Jack accepts instructions in all of Chambers’ practice areas, principally in Public/Private International Law, International Human Rights Law, International Humanitarian Law, and International Criminal Law. 


As part of his international practice, Jack conducts litigation and supports individuals in matters before several international courts and tribunals, including, inter alia, the European Court of Human Rights, UN special procedures, the International Criminal Court, and the Kosovo Specialist Chambers. He has supported several individuals in respect of their appeals against INTERPOL Red Notices and is an experienced practitioner in the area of business and human rights. He also has experience at the UN Mechanism for International Criminal Tribunals and in matters relating to the International Court of Justice. 


Jack has extensive expertise in humanitarian and legal issues pertaining to conflict- and climate-related insecurity and displacement in Africa and the Middle East, most recently as lead counsel for a major project advocating for the continuation of UN cross-border humanitarian access in Syria. As part of his humanitarian work, he has a deep understanding of mechanisms and procedures before the Security Council and other UN bodies, and regularly engages with government and other high-level stakeholders in New York and in capitals around the world. He also advises in conflict, post-conflict, and transitional justice settings, and has been engaged in institution building across the global south.  


Jack has previously published on the protection of human rights both domestically and internationally, including in works published by Bloomsbury Professional. 

Prior to joining G37, Jack was involved in the delivery of a number of business and human rights-related projects as a legal consultant, including for major international entities seeking to invest in regions in the global south. During this time, he also assisted in the delivery of capacity building projects to Prosecutors, Judges, and Investigators in Africa and the Middle East. 

Jack graduated magna cum laude from his Master of Laws (LL.M) in Public International Law from Leiden University, where his thesis focussed on accountability options for corporate human rights abuses. He was also a finalist in the Telders International Law Moot Court Competition, where, having pleaded in the International Court of Justice, he was awarded Best Oral Applicant Argument, the Max Huber Award for Highest Overall Score, and the Carnegie Award for Best Respondent Memorial.


Jack obtained his Bachelor of Laws (LL.B) First Class (Hons), from Durham University, graduating at the top of his class for international criminal law.

Jack was awarded the Goldie Award from The Honourable Society of Gray’s Inn, and the Excellence and Career Commitment Scholarship from BPP University for the BTC.​​

In September 2023, Jack will commence a part-time Doctor of Philosophy in Law at The University of Oxford, where he will explore questions surrounding the legality of remote humanitarian aid programming, particularly in Africa and the Middle East. 



The Honourable Society of Gray’s Inn 

Association of Young International Criminal Lawyers

Appointments and Awards

Goldie Award, The Honourable Society of Gray’s Inn 

Excellence Scholarship, BPP University 

Career Commitment Scholarship, BPP University  

Telders International Law Moot Court Competition, Finalist. Recipient of Best Oral Applicant Argument, Max Huber Award for Highest Overall Score, and Carnegie Award for Best Respondent Memorial



Jack Sproson and Ibrahim Olabi, ‘With No Judge or Jury, Who Will Decide the Fate of 4.1 million Aid-Dependent Syrians? A Comment on the Legality of UN-Coordinated Cross-Border Aid Operations in Syria’ (Jan 3, 2023, EJIL: Talk!)


Toby Cadman and Jack Sproson, ‘The Human Rights Act 1998 - Procedure and Remedies in Domestic Law’ in Human Rights in Criminal Law (2023, Bloomsbury Professional)


Jack Sproson and Ibrahim Olabi, ‘2014 Is Not 2022: Why The Continuation of UN-Coordinated Cross-Border Aid Into Syria Absent a UN Security Council Resolution Is Lawful (Nov 16, 2022, American Relief Coalition for Syria) 


Jack Sproson and Carolyn Edgerton, ‘Addressing post-TRRC Cases Presents The Gambia with Hard Questions in its Transitional Justice Journey’ (Guernica 37, 2021)

Global Rights Compliance, ‘Basic Investigative Standards The Gambia’ (Global Rights Compliance, 2020)



Public International Law 

International Human Rights Law

International Criminal Law

International Humanitarian Law

Private International Law

Business and Human Rights

Government Advisory Work

Transitional Justice and Rule of Law Development 

Atrocity Crime Prevention

International Commercial Law, Arbitration & Mediation

Extradition & Mutual Legal Assistance

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