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Manuel Ramiro Muñoz PhD
(Advisory Council Member)
Guernica 37

Manuel Ramiro Muñoz is Founder and Director of the Institute for Intercultural Studies at the Pontifical Javeriana University in Cali, Colombia. Philosopher, specialist in university teaching. PhD. In Education at University of Barcelona, Spain. Magister in Tertiary Teaching at Javeriana University with training in Higher Education Management (FES-ASCUN-EM) and studies in Economics, Humanities and Theology. 

Member of the Scientific Committee of the Conference on Higher Education GUNI (Global University Network for Innovation). Coordinator of the international assessment team of the Centre for Popular Research and Education (CINEP COLOMBIA). Member of the International Assessment Team of the Pontificio Ateneo Antonianum (Rome, Italy). Member of International Evaluation Team of the Cooperation Program to strengthen research capacities in Bolivia (SIDA / SAREC). Coordinator of the UNESCO evaluation of private universities in Bolivia. 

Author of several publications on the relevance of higher education, interculturality, and community processes of indigenous, Afro-descendants and peasants groups. 

He has accompanied indigenous communities (for 30 years), afro-descendant communities of the Colombian Pacific coast (for 18 years) and rural communities (for 5 years) in strengthening their educational and organizational processes. 

Visiting Professor at the University of Barcelona Spain, Regente of the Pontifical Javeriana University, member of the Carvajal Foundation and board member of the Vallenpaz executive committee. 

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