The following media round up on international, legal and foreign policy issues from around the Balkans for the period from 17 October to 20 October 2022.
Guernica 37 will provide weekly media updates with a focus on Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia . Should you wish to contribute or submit a media summary, opinion piece or blog, please send to Ned Vucijak at for consideration.

Kosovo – 19 October 2022
Kosovo Serb Ex-Minister Convicted of Inciting Hatred After Retrial.
Ivan Todosijevic was convicted of inciting ethnic hatred, ten months after the Supreme Court ordered him to be retried for his statement that a 1999 massacre of Kosovo Albanians by Serbian forces was “fabricated” by “terrorists”. The full article can be found here.
Kosovo – 18 October 2022
Hungary Arrests Serb for Alleged Kosovo War Crimes.
A Serb man faces extradition from Hungary after being arrested in Budapest for his alleged involvement in killing 33 people in the Kosovo town of Peja/Pec during the war in 1999. The full article can be found here.
Kosovo - 18 October 2022
Witness ‘Fears for Safety’ in Trial for Kosovo Politician’s Murder.
Another witness has refused to testify in the trial for the 2018 assassination of Kosovo Serb politician Oliver Ivanovic, saying that he had to put his own safety first. The full article can be found here.
Kosovo – 18 October 2022
The Council of Europe's Commissioner for Human Rights said that Kosovo is not doing enough to protect journalists from violence after a rise in attacks and threats in 2021. The full article can be found here.
Bosnia and Herzegovina – 18 October 2022
Republika Srpska Opposition Files ‘Election Fraud’ Criminal Complaints.
Opposition parties from Bosnia’s Republika Srpska entity submitted criminal complaints to the state-level prosecutor’s office accusing over 180 individuals including Milorad Dodik of committing fraud at this month’s elections. The full article can be found here.
Serbia – 17 october 2022
Veljko Belivuk, at his trial for aggravated murder, kidnapping, illicit possession of weapons and explosives and drug trafficking, told the court his gang took its orders from senior state officials. The full article can be found here.
Montenegro – 17 October 2022
Outgoing PM Dritan Abazovic said three major tobacco smuggling groups operate in the country, at least one of which is linked to the former ruling Democratic Party of Socialists, DPS. The full article can be found here.
Serbia – 20 October 2022
A United States diplomat said that Kosovo and Serbia have to reach an agreement which will see the two foes finding a way forward in their mediated dialogue, which is designed to normalize their tense relations. The full article can be found here.