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Guernica Expresses its Deepest Condolences for the Tragic Death of David BeriƔin and Roberto Fraile

It has been announced that David BeriƔin, Roberto Fraile, an Irish national and a local man working on a documentary in Burkina Faso have been killed by extremists believed to have been connected to Al Qaida.

All at Guernica would like to extend our deepest condolences and sympathies to the families of those brutally and senselessly murdered.

The Spanish Prime Minister stated

We have confirmation of the worst possible news. All our love to the family and loved ones of David BeriƔin and Roberto Fraile, who were murdered in Burkina Faso. And also our recognition of those who, like them, practise brave and essential journalism on a daily basis in conflict zones.

Angela Quintal, CPJā€™s Africa program coordinator stated

Authorities in Burkina Faso must thoroughly and transparently investigate the killings of journalists David Beriain and Roberto Fraile and ensure that those responsible are found and brought to justice. Too often journalists are killed with impunity; authorities must ensure that does not happen in this case, and should find the attackers and the planners of this violent act at once.

Almudena Bernabeu, Co-head of Chambers at Guernica 37 stated:

I had the pleasure to meet David and the team at 93 meters as Guernica was engaging in supporting one of their documentary projects. Their commitment and deep understanding of the field of accountability and the fight against impunity as well as their passion makes it even harder to confront such lost. We at Guernica call for a a thorough and independent investigation into the attack and to ensure that those responsible are held properly accountable before a court of law.

See the report in the Guardian here and a statement from the Committee to Protect Journalists here.

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